CmdPeriod register objects to be cleared when Cmd-. is pressed

Superclass: Object

CmdPeriod allows you to register objects to perform an action when the user presses Cmd-. These objects must implement a method called -cmdPeriod which performs the necessary tasks. (You can add such a method in your custom classes.) Note that since Function implements -cmdPeriod as a synonym for -value, it is possible to register any function (and thus any arbitrary code) for evaluation when Cmd-. is pressed.

Class Methods


Registers an object to be cleared when Cmd-. is pressed. This object will stay registered until it is explicitly removed, and will thus respond to additional presses of Cmd-. 


Removes an object that was previously registered.


Removes all objects that have been registered.


Registers an Object o be evaluated once, and then unregistered.

*objects return the list of objects that are called when CmdPeriod is evaluated.

*objects_(array) set the list of objects that are called when CmdPeriod is evaluated.

*era number of times CmdPeriod has been called since startup.



f = {"foo".postln };

g = {"bar".postln };




// Now press Cmd-.


// Now press Cmd-. Only f executes

CmdPeriod.remove(f); // must explicitly cleanup

// Now press Cmd-.

CmdPeriod.add(g); // one object is added only once.

CmdPeriod.add(g); // one object is added only once.

// Now press Cmd-.

// remove it again.


// note that often you want to automatically remove the function once it is evaluated

// instead of

f = { "foo".postln; CmdPeriod.remove(f) };


// you can write:

CmdPeriod.doOnce { "foo".postln }

// a typical example:


w ="close on cmd-.").front;

CmdPeriod.doOnce { w.close };


// in some cases you might need to defer the function by a short amount of time

a = { Synth(\default)};



// remove all 
