OSCBundle network bundle object
superclass: Object
a bundle object that allows to add preparation messages for async processes.
if this feature is not needed, a list object can be used instead.
add(msg) add an osc message to the bundle
addAll(array) add an array of osc messages to the bundle
addPrepare(msg) add a preparation osc message, which is sent
before the bundle is sent.
send(server, delta) send the bundle to a server. If preparation messages are given,
they are sent, the process waits for their reception abd then sends the
schedSend(server, clock, quant)
like send, but the sending is synced to a given clock (TempoClock) to the next beat.
quant can be a pair of values: [quant, offset]
// example
// create a new, empty instance
a = OSCBundle.new;
// a synthdef that needs to be sent to the server, an operation that is asynchronous,
// i.e. we have to wait until it is finished.
x = SynthDef("test", { OffsetOut.ar(0, BPF.ar(Impulse.ar(4) * 10, Rand(9000, 1000), 0.1)) });
// this is why addPrepare is used.
a.addPrepare(["/d_recv", x.asBytes]);
// add is used with synchronous operations, like starting synths.
a.add(["/s_new", "test", -1]);
// the bundle has now the synchronous separated from the asynchronous bundles:
// this can be simply sent - the bundle takes care of the server client communication
// like waiting for the synthdef to be loaded. the synth is started when the preparation
// is finished.
s.boot; // boot the server
s.freeAll; // free all nodes on the server
// scheduled sending: the synths are started on the next beat.
a.schedSend(s, TempoClock.default, 1);
a.schedSend(s, TempoClock.default, 1);
a.schedSend(s, TempoClock.default, 1);
s.freeAll; // free all nodes on the server
// the bundle can contain several preparation messages and messages at a time.
// the proparationMessages are sent first and only when they are all completed,
// the other bundles are sent.
// the bundle can also be reused, if there is no specific allocated buffers/node ids.