// audio mapping in ProxySpace

// todo. expand(numChannels) message

p = ProxySpace.push(s.boot);

p.fadeTime = 3;

// some filters

~f1 = { |a_in=#[0,0], freq=500, dt=0.01|  Ringz.ar(a_in, freq, dt) }; 

~f2 = { |a_in=#[0,0], dt=0.1| CombL.ar(a_in, 0.5, dt, 15 * dt) };

~f3 = { |a_in=#[0,0], freq=30| a_in * LFSaw.ar(freq.neg).max(0) };

// some sources

~x1 = { LFPulse.kr(SinOsc.kr(0.2).exprange(2, 200)) * PinkNoise.ar(0.5.dup) };

~x2 = { Dust.ar(SinOsc.kr(0.2, [0, pi]).exprange(2, 2000)) };

// the output


~out = { |a_in=#[0,0]| a_in };

// some mappings by hand:

~out.mapn(\a_in, ~x1);

~out.xmapn(\a_in, ~x2);

~out.xmapn(\a_in, ~f1); ~f1.xmapn(\a_in, ~x1);

~out.xmapn(\a_in, ~f2); ~f2.xmapn(\a_in, ~x1);

~out.xmapn(\a_in, ~f2); ~f2.xmapn(\a_in, ~x1);

~f2.xset(\dt, 0.01);

~mx1 = { MouseX.kr(0.0001, 1, 1) };

~f2.xmap(\dt, ~mx1);

~out.xmapn(\a_in, ~f3);  ~f3.xmapn(\a_in, ~f2); ~f2.xmapn(\a_in, ~x1);

// this should maybe be:

// ~f2 --(\a_in)--> ~f3 --(\a_in)--> ~out

~mx1 = { LFNoise1.kr(0.1).exprange(0.0001, 1) };

~mF = { ~mx1.kr.linexp(0, 1, 1, 10000) };

~f3.xmap(\freq, ~mF);

~f1.mapn(\a_in, ~x2);

~f2.xmapn(\a_in, ~f1);

~f1.xmapn(\freq, ~mF, \dt, ~mx1);

~x2 = { Impulse.ar(SinOsc.kr(0.2, [0, pi]).exprange(2, 200)) };

~x1 = { Saw.ar(20, 0.5.dup) * ~x2.ar };

~out = ~x1;

// possible schema:


px.map knows always already the number of channels of a proxy, so can decide whether

to use map or mapn. (map always would mean flat mapping).

px.mapn could do tricky things like:

px.mapn(\a_in2, [mono1, mono2])

px.mapn(\a_in2, stereo) would still work

px.mapn(\a_in2, [stereo, mono]) could use the first of the stereo chans and the mono

how to get at the second arg of the stereo in? or it could mix/wrap.

--> px.mapn([\a_inx, \a_iny], stereo)

px.mapn(\a_in, stereo) would take the first of the stereo channels

px.map(\a_in, stereo) would use the first of the stereo channels

px.mapn(\a_in, [mono, mono]) would use the first channel

mappings could be saved as is and if the proxy rebuilds with a different channel size, it would unfold?
