CocoaDialog file dialogs that utilize OS X Cocoa services

Inherits from: Object

OSX only. See GUI for cross-platform information.

See also: GUI, Cocoa

Class Methods

*getPaths (okFunc, cancelFunc, allowsMultiple)

Displays an Open File Dialog. If ok is pressed then okFunc is evaluated withIf cancel is pressed then cancelFunc is evaluated.

okFunc - A Function to be evaluated when OK is pressed. The selected paths are passed as an Array of Strings as the first argument. 

cancelFunc - A Function to be evaluated if Cancel is pressed.

allowsMultiple - A Boolean indicating whether the dialog allows the user to select multiple files. The default is true.


CocoaDialog.getPaths({ arg paths;{ arg p;







*savePanel (okFunc, cancelFunc)

Displays a Save File Dialog.

okFunc - A Function to be evaluated when OK is pressed. The selected path will be passed as a String as the first argument. 

cancelFunc - A Function to be evaluated if Cancel is pressed.


CocoaDialog.savePanel({ arg path;




