
Note: this is experimental (03/2006) things might change and be careful wrong or unsupported Cocoa-calls can crash this Application !

Object Creation - LifeCycle

On creation only the init message is passed, alloc is called internally. Instance methods and Class methods are supported by the bridge, but if an object (id or SCNSObject) is returned by the method you owns it (even for autoreleased object - because they are retained internally by SuperCollider), so you must call release when you're done with it (SCNSObject(s) are not automatically garbage collected)


Once your Objective-C object is allocated / retained you can call it using invoke


The Objective-C synthax:

NSNumber *n = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithFloat: 1.1];

[n floatValue];

turns into:

n = SCNSObject("NSNumber", "initWithFloat:", [1.1]);


Multiple messages are put together in one String and their arguments in one Array.



NSWindow *c = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect: rect styleMask: 10 backing: 2 defer:YES];


c = SCNSObject("NSWindow", "initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:",[Rect(0,0,400,100), 10, 2, 1]);

Deferring your calls

Some methods need to be defered. If you want to defer ust call invoke with defer:true. Watch out there is no smart protection for methods that need defer until now! In general you should defer graphic operations.

So calling this might crash sc-lang:

c.invoke("makeKeyAndOrderFront:", [nil]);

but this line is fine:

c.invoke("makeKeyAndOrderFront:", [nil], true);

Common Conversion Table

SuperCollider will try to convert types when possible, here are the most common types and their translation

betweem the 2 languages.

SuperCollider Types -> Objective-C Types (when using invoke /


SCNSObject id (NSObject)

Nil nil, NULL pointer

Number (Float, Integer) float, int, long, short, char, NSNumber

Boolean YES, NO, bool, NSNumber

String NSString, SEL, char*, void*

Rect NSRect

Color NSColor

Point NSPoint, NSRange, NSSize

Int8Array void*, char*

Int16Array void*, short*

Int32Array void*, int*

DoubleArray void*, double*

FloatArray void*, float*

Signal float*

Array QTTime, NSRange, NSSize, SCNSObject*

Objective-C Types -> SuperCollider Types (on method return)


NSString, char* String

NSColor Color

NSSize, NSRange, QTTime Array

NSRect Rect

NSPoint Point

BOOL, long, char, int, short Integer

float, double Float

c99 _bool Boolean

*(pointer type) RawPointer

id, (any other NSObject) SCNSObject

Creation / Class Methods

*new(classname, initname, args, defer)

Creates a new SCNSObject instance. SCNSObject creates a bridge between SuperCollider and Objective-C / Cocoa.

It holds an NSObject and sends messages to it. The class and messages are passed as Strings. Arguments must be in an Array.

classname - The Objective-C name of the class you want to invoke / instantiate.

initname - can be either a class method or an instance initX method, depending on the possible initialization call. You do not need to specify alloc if you instantiate an object, it is automatically done for you.

args - the Array of arguments for the initname method.

defer - defer the call. default is false.

a = SCNSObject("NSHost", "currentHost");

[\name, a.invoke("name"), \address, a.invoke("address")].postln;



Creates a new SCNSObject from a RawPointer. Might be handy for very special occasion.

i ="/Library/Desktop Pictures/Ripples Blue.jpg");

a = SCNSObject.newFromRawPointer(i.slotAt(0)).invoke("nsimage");

a.className.postln; // verify :)

// now do what you want with the NSImage of the SCImage; // release it when done

// you do not have here to release the SCNSObject - it is dangerous to do so in this case


Dump the current NSObjects in the pool, so retained by SuperCollider.


Release all the current NSObjects in the pool and clear it. Call this method only if you really

know what you are doing : all the SCNSObjects will be unvalidated !

Instance Methods

invoke(method, args, defer)

Invoke an SCNSObject

method - The method to call the receiver with

args - The arguments Array

defer - defer the call. default is false. (might be needed for GUI otherwise you may experience a crash)


Release the internal NSObject retained by the application pool.

You must call this method when you're done with your object.

Note that it is not fully equivalent to a [myObject release], the NSObject is removed from the pool so if the application is the only one who retained it and owns it, it will properly dealloc it. But if the object is not IN the pool, it won't do anything.


SCNSObject.freePool; // free all object first to see

i ="/Library/Desktop Pictures/Ripples Blue.jpg"); // create a simple SCImage

a = SCNSObject.newFromRawPointer(i.slotAt(0)); // get the SCImage object

a.className; // SCImage


SCNSObject.dumpPool; // look, we do not have any NSObject in our pool

// a.release; // so this won't do anything - just clear our NSObject ref - note that the SCImage is not IN the pool

a.invoke("retain"); // now we can retain the SCImage - but since the method returns the object it is also added - retained also in the pool !; // release the SCImage

SCNSObject.dumpPool; // look the SCImage is here

a.invoke("release"); // now we have to release it twice

SCNSObject.dumpPool; //

a.release; // should be fine


Creates a CocoaAction, a special delegate to handle Target / Action mechanism (See explainations above). initAction is a convenience method to add an action to a gui element, mostly for NSControl subclasses. Once an action is setted, a special delegate is created on your behalf to wich you can attach a action. You can access this delegate using the nsAction accessor method.

actionName - may be "doFloatAction:" (default), "doIntAction:", "doStateAction:" or "doAction:"


var win, topview, slider;

win = SCNSObject("NSWindow", "initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:", [Rect(100,140,400,30), 10, 2, 1]);

win.registerNotification("NSWindowWillCloseNotification", {|name, nsnotification, object| 

[win, topview, slider].do { |obj| obj.release };

[name, nsnotification, object].postln}


slider = SCNSObject("NSSlider", "initWithFrame:", [Rect(0,0,390,20)]); 

slider.invoke("setFloatValue:", [0.5]);

slider.initAction.action_({|v,val| val.postln});

topview = win.invoke("contentView");

topview.invoke("addSubview:", [slider]);

win.invoke("makeKeyAndOrderFront:", [win], true);

win.invoke("setTitle:", ["cocoa test"]);



Creates a special CocoaAction delegate object to handle delegate methods and notifications. Should not be confused with the nsAction one. This delegate can be retrieved with the nsDelegate accessor.

registerNotification( aNotificationName, aFunc, obj )

Register a special notification (see NSNotification) with a Function that will be triggered each time it is sent. This method will create a defaut nsDelegate if it does exist already.

aNotificationName - The name of the notification

aFunc - The responder function

obj - the object of the notification, default is this.


var win, delegate;

win = SCNSObject("NSWindow", "initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:", [Rect(100,400,400,400), 10, 2, 1]);

win.registerNotification("NSWindowWillCloseNotification", {|name, nsnotification, object, delegate| 

[delegate /* the window.nsDelegate */, delegate.object /* the win SCNSObject */, name, nsnotification, object].postln;



win.invoke("setMinSize:", [[100,100]]);

win.invoke("makeKeyAndOrderFront:", [win], true);

win.invoke("setTitle:", ["notification test - Close Me"]);


asArray( arrayType )

SCNSObject holding an NSData object can be converted to array types using the asArray method. 

arrayType - \string \int8 \int16 \int32 \float \double are the possible argument for an explicit conversion.

d ="NSData", "dataWithBytes:length:", ["hellomydear", 11]); // 11 bytes passed

e = d.asArray(\string); // get it back as a String


d ="NSData", "dataWithBytes:length:", [Int32Array[98,99,100,101], 4*4]); // 4x32bit integers = 16 bytes

e = d.asArray(\int32); // get it back as an Int32Array


d ="NSData", "dataWithBytes:length:", [Int16Array[98,99,100,101], 4*2]); // 4x16bit integers = 8 bytes

e = d.asArray(\int16); // get it back an Int16Array



//create a window and add a Slider that posts its value.


var win, slider;

win = SCNSObject("NSWindow", "initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:",

[Rect(100,140,400,30), 10, 2, 1]);

win.setDelegate.action_({ // for NSWindow objects using setDelegate.action will trigger the nsAction.action function when it is closed

"closing window, releasing objects".postln;

[slider,e].do{|it| it.release};


slider = SCNSObject("NSSlider", "initWithFrame:", [Rect(0,0,390,20)]); 

e = SCNSObject("SCGraphView", "initWithFrame:", [Rect(0,0,400,30)]); 

win.invoke("setContentView:", [e], true);

e.invoke("addSubview:", [slider], true);

slider.invoke("setFloatValue:", [0.5]);

win.invoke("makeKeyAndOrderFront:", [nil], true);

win.invoke("setTitle:", ["cocoa test"]);


a = slider.initAction;

a.action_({|v,val| val.postln});}.defer(0.1);

~win = win;



~win.invoke("close", defer:true);


c = SCNSObject("NSWindow", "initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:",[Rect(0,0,400,100), 10, 2, 1]);

c.setDelegate.action_({ // for NSWindow objects using setDelegate.action will trigger the nsAction.action function when it is closed

"closing window, releasing objects".postln;

[c,d,e].do{|it| it.release};


d = SCNSObject("NSTextField", "initWithFrame:", [Rect(0,0,100,20)]); 

e = SCNSObject("NSView", "initWithFrame:", [Rect(0,0,400,100)]); 

c.invoke("setContentView:", [e], true);

e.invoke("addSubview:", [d], true);

c.invoke("makeKeyAndOrderFront:", [nil], true);



c = SCNSObject("NSWindow", "initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:",[Rect(100,100,100,20), 10, 2, 1]);

c.setDelegate.action_({ // for NSWindow objects using setDelegate.action will trigger the nsAction.action function when it is closed

"closing window, releasing objects".postln;

[c,d,e].do{|it| it.release};


d = SCNSObject("NSButton", "initWithFrame:", [Rect(0,0,100,20)]); 

e = SCNSObject("NSView", "initWithFrame:", [Rect(0,0,400,100)]); 

c.invoke("setContentView:", [e], true);

e.invoke("addSubview:", [d], true);

c.invoke("makeKeyAndOrderFront:", [nil], true);

d.invoke("setButtonType:", [3]);



d.nsAction.action_({|it,val| val.postln;});




simple QTMovie example

creates a movie in the SuperCollider folder + adds an image to it



d = SCNSObject("NSMutableDictionary", "dictionary");

d.invoke("setObject:forKey:", ["jpeg", "QTAddImageCodecType"]);

e = SCNSObject("NSMutableDictionary", "dictionary");

e.invoke("setObject:forKey:", [true, "QTMovieFlatten"]);

m = SCNSObject("QTMovie", "initToWritableFile:error:", [Platform.classLibraryDir ++ "/../", nil]); // creates an empty movie

i = SCImage("/Library/Desktop Pictures/Ripples Blue.jpg");

// newFromRawPointer does not need any release so fine to get the invocation result directly

a = SCNSObject.newFromRawPointer(i.slotAt(0)).invoke("nsimage"); // this is how you can create a NSImage from 

m.invoke("addImage:forDuration:withAttributes:", [a, [3, 1], d]); // 3 seconds


[m, d, e].do ({ |object| object.release; });;


// HUD Panels - 10.5 only


w = SCNSObject("NSPanel", "initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:", [Rect(250, 250, 300, 200), (1<<13) + (1<<4) + 4 + 2 + 8, 2, true]);

w.registerNotification("NSWindowWillCloseNotification", {|notificationName,nsNotification|



w.invoke("makeKeyAndOrderFront:", [nil], true);



Notification Examples

using Webview



var win, root, cocoaUI, cell, webview, levelIndicator;

win = SCNSObject("NSWindow", "initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:", [Rect(250, 250, 800, 600), 15, 2, 1]);

root = SCNSObject("NSView", "initWithFrame:", [Rect(0, 0, 800, 600)]);

root.invoke("setAutoresizingMask:", [1 + 2 + 8 + 16]);

webview = SCNSObject("WebView", "initWithFrame:frameName:groupName:", [Rect(10, 30, 800-20, 600-40), "mywebview", "mywebviewgroup"]);

webview.invoke("setAutoresizingMask:", [1 + 2 + 8 + 16]);

~webview = webview; // just to retrieve the source after

cell = SCNSObject("NSLevelIndicatorCell", "initWithLevelIndicatorStyle:", [1]);

levelIndicator = SCNSObject("NSLevelIndicator", "initWithFrame:", [Rect(10, 5, 800-20, 10)]);

levelIndicator.invoke("setCell:", [cell]);

levelIndicator.invoke("setMinValue:", [0]);

levelIndicator.invoke("setMaxValue:", [100]);

levelIndicator.invoke("setFloatValue:", [0]);

levelIndicator.invoke("setContinuous:", [true]);





win.invoke("setContentView:", [root]);

root.invoke("addSubview:", [webview]);

root.invoke("addSubview:", [levelIndicator]);

///// Notifications

// Window 

win.registerNotification("NSWindowWillCloseNotification", {

|notificationName, nsNotificationObjectAsRawPointer|

"closing window".postln; {|ui| ui.invoke("removeFromSuperviewWithoutNeedingDisplay")};





~webview = nil;


win.registerNotification("NSWindowDidMoveNotification", {

|notificationName, nsNotificationObjectAsRawPointer|



win.registerNotification("NSWindowDidMiniaturizeNotification", {

|notificationName, nsNotificationObjectAsRawPointer|



// Webview Notifications

webview.registerNotification("WebProgressEstimateChangedNotification", {

|notificationName, nsNotificationObjectAsRawPointer|

var value;

value = webview.invoke("estimatedProgress");

levelIndicator.invoke("setFloatValue:", [value*100]);

("loading progress: "+ (value*100) + "%").postln;


webview.registerNotification("WebProgressFinishedNotification", {

|notificationName, nsNotificationObjectAsRawPointer|

var t0, t1;

levelIndicator.invoke("setFloatValue:", [0]);

t0 = webview.invoke("mainFrame");

t1 = t0.invoke("dataSource"); t0.release;

t0 = t1.invoke("initialRequest"); t1.release;

t1 = t0.invoke("URL"); t0.release;

t0 = t1.invoke("absoluteString"); t1.release;

(t0 ++ " finished Loading").postln;

win.invoke("setTitle:", [t0]);


///// Show Window

win.invoke("makeKeyAndOrderFront:", [win], true);

///// URL Loading


var url;

url = "";

webview.invoke("setMainFrameURL:", [url]);





NSData conversion

using Webview html source

Do not close the window before you exec this code or reload previous example !



/// interpret it AFTER previous example for getting source html file

var mainframe, datasource, nsdata;

mainframe = ~webview.invoke("mainFrame");

datasource = mainframe.invoke("dataSource"); mainframe.release;

nsdata = datasource.invoke("data"); datasource.release;

nsdata.isSubclassOf("NSData").postln; // 

"---- HTML Source ----".postln;


"---- End of HTML Source ----".postln;




special Delegates actions with return values

using NSURLConnection as an example




var url;

// first URL Request

url = SCNSObject("NSURL", "initWithString:", [""]);

~urlRequest = SCNSObject("NSURLRequest", "requestWithURL:cachePolicy:timeoutInterval:", [url, 0, 60]); url.release;

// redirection to set after delegate call

url = SCNSObject("NSURL", "initWithString:", [""]);

~redirection = SCNSObject("NSURLRequest", "requestWithURL:cachePolicy:timeoutInterval:", [url, 0, 60]); url.release;

// we need here to set a void object to set its delegate before it is allocated really

// because urlConnection does not have a setDelegate: method

~urlConnection = SCNSObject.newClear;

~urlConnection.setDelegate; // create and attach a special delegate

~urlConnection.nsDelegate.addMethod("connectionDidFinishLoading:", nil, "@", {

|method, args| [method, args].postln;


//// Custom Delegate Method with return values allowed (automatic conversion for most)

//// Here we have to provide the (name, return type of the delegate method, and the type encoding for the arguments)

//// see for explanations

~urlConnection.nsDelegate.addMethod("connection:didReceiveResponse:", nil, "@@", {

|method, args| [method, args].postln;


~urlConnection.nsDelegate.addMethod("connection:willSendRequest:redirectResponse:", "@", "@@@", {

|method, arguments|

[method, arguments].postln;

url = ~redirection.invoke("URL");

("redirecting to "++url.invoke("absoluteString")).postln; url.release;

^~redirection; // redirect !


// we can init the object now

~urlConnection.init("NSURLConnection", "initWithRequest:delegate:", [~urlRequest, ~urlConnection.nsDelegate]); // now we can alloc the object and attach its delegate








