Tap A single tap into a delayline
Tap.ar(bufnum, numChannels, delaytime)
The Tap UGen allows a single tap at a delay into a buffer.
bufnum - the index of the buffer to use
numChannels - number of channels of the buffer
delaytime - tap delay; cannot be modulated
See also: PlayBuf (Tap uses the PlayBuf UGen internally).
// Create a buffer.
b=Buffer.alloc(s, s.sampleRate, 1); //enough space for one second of mono audio
// Write to the Buffer with BufWr, read using two Taps, one for each ear!
SynthDef(\helpTap, {|bufnum|
var source, capture;
source= SoundIn.ar(0); //use headphones to avoid feedback
capture= BufWr.ar(source, bufnum, Phasor.ar(0,1, 0, BufFrames.ir(bufnum),1));
Out.ar(0, Tap.ar(bufnum, 1, [0.1,0.9])); //multichannel expansion, so one tap each ear
x=Synth(\helpTap,[\bufnum, b]);