>= greater than or equal


a >= b

Result is 1 if a >= b, otherwise it is 0. This can be useful for triggering purposes, among other things:

s = Server.local;


( // trigger an envelope


var trig;

trig = SinOsc.ar(1) >= 0;


EnvGen.kr(Env.perc, trig, doneAction: 0) 

* SinOsc.ar(440,0,0.1)



( // trigger a synth

SynthDef("help-EnvGen",{ arg out=0;


EnvGen.kr(Env.perc,1.0,doneAction: 2) 

* SinOsc.ar(440,0,0.1)



// This synth has no output. It only checks amplitude of input and looks for a transition from < 0.2

// to > 0.2

SynthDef("help->= trig", {

SendTrig.kr(Amplitude.kr(SoundIn.ar(0)) >= 0.2);


// responder to trigger synth

OSCresponderNode(s.addr,'/tr',{ "triggered".postln; Synth.new("help-EnvGen") }).add;
