hypot hypotenuse


hypot(x, y)

x hypot: y


Returns the square root of the sum of the squares of a and b. Or equivalently, the distance from the origin

to the point (x, y). 

See also atan2.

In this example, hypot is used to calculate a doppler shift pitch and amplitude based on distance.



var x, y, distance, velocity, pitchRatio, amplitude;

// object travels 200 meters in 6 secs (=120kph) passing 10 meters 

// from the listener

x = 10;

y = LFSaw.kr(1/6, 0, 100);

distance = hypot(x, y);

velocity = Slope.kr(distance);

pitchRatio = (344 - velocity) / 344;  // speed of sound is 344 meters/sec

amplitude = 10 / distance.squared;

FSinOsc.ar(1000 * pitchRatio, 0, amplitude)


The next example uses the distance to modulate a delay line.



var x, y, distance, velocity, pitchRatio, amplitude, motorSound;

// object travels 200 meters in 6 secs (=120kph) passing 10 meters 

// from the listener

x = 10;

y = LFSaw.kr(1/6, 0, 100);

distance = hypot(x, y);

amplitude = 40 / distance.squared;

motorSound = RLPF.ar(FSinOsc.ar(200, 0, LFPulse.ar(31.3, 0, 0.4)), 400, 0.3);

DelayL.ar(motorSound, 110/344, distance/344, amplitude)
