NAryOpFunction represent a n-ary oparation on a function

superclass: AbstractFunction

Operating on functions instead of numbers, what results is not a result of the calculation, but a structure that represents that calculation.

// example

a = 0.8.linexp(0, 1, 40, 20000); // map (0..1) to exponentially to human frequency hearing range

a = { b }.linexp(0, 1, 40, 20000); // result is  a NAryOpFunction

b = 0.1;

a.value; // now it is evaluated, and the result is calculated

b = 0.5;

a.value; // again, with a different value.

see also: BinaryOpFunction, UnaryOpFunction

related: NAryOpStream, Pnaryop

// sound example


var a = { 1.0.rand };

var b = a.linexp(0, 1, 40, 20000);

fork { {

(instrument: \default, freq: b.value).play;



