SCSliderBase an abstract superclass for various sliders

Inherits from: Object : SCView : SCControlView

Users will not normally directly create instances of SCSliderBase, but only use it through its subclasses. It provides a few methods common to various slider views. To set the increment or decrement value of a slider, set the step .  By default, the shift, ctrl, and alt keys will modify the stepping by 100x, 10x, or 0.1x repectively, though you can customize this by setting shift_scale, ctrl_scale, or alt_scale.

See also: SCSlider, SCRangeSlider, SC2DSlider

Creation / Class Methods

Accessing Instance and Class Variables


step_ (stepSize)

The step size for changing a slider value. The subclasses tend to use this in their increment an decrement methods, among other things.

stepSize - A Number;



A value for increment's or decrement's zoom argument while mouse scrolling  or arrow keys, and while the shift key is pressed. 

shift_scale defaults to 100.

aFloat - An instance of Float.



A value for increment's or decrement's zoom argument while mouse scrolling or arrow keys, and while the ctrl key is pressed. 

ctrl_scale defaults to 10.

aFloat - An instance of Float.



A value for increment's or decrement's zoom argument while mouse scrolling or arrow keys, and while the alt key is pressed. 

ctrl_scale defaults to 0.1.

aFloat - An instance of Float.

Customizing Appearance


knobColor_ (color)

Set the knob Color for a slider-

color - An instance of Color.

Subclassing and Internal Methods

The following methods are usually not used directly or are called by a primitive. Programmers can still call or override these as needed.


A list of properties to which this view responds. See SCView.


[ \bounds, \visible, \enabled, \canFocus, \resize, \background, \minWidth, \maxWidth, \minHeight, \maxHeight, \knobColor, \step, \thumbSize ]


See SCSlider, SCRangeSlider, SC2DSlider