NdefParamGui display the settings of a nodeproxy
Inherits from: JITGui : EnvirGui
NdefParamGui displays all settings and mappings of a nodeproxy, so one can change them flexibly.
Single number get displayed with an EZSlider, and anything else is shown as an EZText (a text field).
Its main use is within NdefGui and PxMix.
See also: EZText, NdefGui, PxMix
Creation / Class Methods
*new (object, numItems, parent, bounds, options, makeSkip)
create a new NdefParamGui
object - the nodeproxy whose settings are to be displayed
numItems - the number of items to display. If an envir is given, and no num, num is envir.size.
parent - the parent view to display in; if none is given, a new window is created.
bounds - the bounds within which to display; if none is given, bounds are calculated.
options - a list of additional information, e.g. flags about optional buttons.
makeSkip - flag whether to make a skipjack to manage updates of the envirgui. default is true.
// simple example
g = NdefParamGui.new(nil, 5); // empty with 5 slots
g.object_(Ndef(\a)); // put in a nodeproxy
Ndef(\a, { |freq = 300, amp = 0.2| SinOsc.ar(freq) * amp });
Ndef(\a).set(\freq, 2000); // add a setting
g.object_(nil); // put in a nodeproxy
g.object_(Ndef(\a)); // put in a nodeproxy
Ndef(\a).set(\amp, 0.125); // add a setting
Ndef(\a, { |freq = 300, amp = 0.2| SinOsc.ar(freq) * amp });
Ndef(\a).set(\freq, 234); // add a setting
Ndef(\lfo, { LFNoise0.kr([12, 8], 200).sum + 500 });
Ndef(\a).map(\freq, Ndef(\lfo)); // mapped proxies are shown
name_ (name) if in its own window, set the window's name
g.name = "Yoohoo";
Multichannel controls are shown in EZText:
Ndef(\a, { |freqs = #[300, 303], pan, amp = 0.2, moddd = 0.1| SinOsc.ar(freqs).sum * amp });
Ndef(\a).setn(\freqs, [300, 350])
Ndef(\a).setn(\freqs, [330, 350])
Ndef(\a).set(\harm, 123)
Ndef(\lfos, { LFNoise0.kr([12, 8], 200) + 500 });
Ndef(\a).map(\freqs, Ndef(\lfos))
// put an NdefParamGui in an existing window - margin becomes 0@0
w = Window().front;
g = NdefParamGui(Ndef(\a), 3, w);
NdefParamGui(Ndef(\c), 15, w);
// even
Ndef(\c).set(\otto, 123, \mops, [1,2,3], \kotzt, [0, 6, 0, 6]);