Fade envelope generation and crossfading

NodeProxy (ProxySynthDef) looks for inner envelopes in your definition function

to find out whether a fade envelope is needed or not. In case there is no other inner

possibility of freeing the synth, either 

a) a fade envelope is created (audio / control rate output)

b) the synth is freed directly with no fading (scalar output or doneAction 1)

c) if you provide a gate arg and a doneAction 2 to your ugenGraph function, this is supposed

to be a fade envelope for the synth

d) if a synthdef name is used, case c) is supposed

... so in most cases, there is not much to worry about, just these two points ar important,

if one wants to use a self releasing synth or a different out ugen:

e) own responsibility:

if the function creates a ugengraph that can be freed by trigger or other things, it 

waits for this action instead of the node proxy freeing the synth. 

f) own out channel with 'out' arg: the control ugen with the name 'out' is set to the output channel

number of the proxy.

p = ProxySpace.push(s.boot);


// note that you can use this functionality also when using ProxySynthDef directly:

d = ProxySynthDef("test", { arg freq=440; SinOsc.ar(freq) }).send(s);

s.sendMsg("/s_new", "test", 1980, 1, 1, \freq, 340);

s.sendMsg("/n_set", 1980, \freq, 240);

s.sendMsg("/n_set", 1980, \fadeTime, 4);

s.sendMsg("/n_set", 1980, \gate, 0);

a) automatic fade envelope generation

// no inner envelope and audio / control rate output


~out = { PinkNoise.ar([1,1]*0.1) };



~kout = { PinkNoise.kr([1,1]*0.1) };


b) automatic free instead of crossfade

// inner envelope that cannot free the synth, the synth is freed when a new 

// function is assigned.


~out = { arg t_trig; EnvGen.kr(Env.asr, t_trig) * PinkNoise.ar([1,1]) };


~out.group.set(\t_trig, 1);


~out = { arg t_trig; EnvGen.kr(Env.asr, t_trig) * SinOsc.ar([1,1]*400) };


~out.group.set(\t_trig, 1);

// for a scalar output also no fade env is created, but the synth is freed (without fading)


~out = { Out.ar(0, SinOsc.ar(Rand(440,550),0,0.2)) };


c) custom fade envelope

// when a gate arg is provided, and the env can free the synth, this envelope

// is supposed to be the fade envelope for the synth: no extra fade env is created.


~out = { arg gate=1; EnvGen.kr(Env.asr, gate, doneAction:2) * 0.2 * SinOsc.ar([1,1]*Rand(440,550)) };


d) SynthDef name assignment

// if a symbol is used as input, the defname of a def on the server is supposed

// to represent a SynthDef that has a gate, an out input and can free itself.


~out = \default;


// this is the minimal requirement arguments for such a use (similar to Pbind)


SynthDef("test", { arg gate=1, out;

Out.ar(out, Formant.ar(300, 200, 10) * EnvGen.kr(Env.asr, gate, doneAction:2))



// you can also provide a fadeTime arg, whic is set by the proxy:


SynthDef("test", { arg gate=1, out, fadeTime=1;


Formant.ar(Rand(20,40), 600, 10, 0.2) 

* EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(fadeTime,1,fadeTime), gate, doneAction:2)




~out = \test;

~out.fadeTime = 3;

note that the number of channels is your own responsibility when using symbols, 

as a symbol carries no channel information!

(in all other cases the number of channels is wrapped or expanded to fit the proxy)

// if the synthdef has a fixed duration envelope, there is a FAILURE /n_set Node not found message.

// with no further significance


SynthDef("test", { arg gate=1, out;


Formant.ar(Rand(20,40), 600, 10, 0.6) 

* EnvGen.kr(Env.perc, gate, doneAction:2)




~out = \test;

e) own free responsibility

//inner envelope that can free the synth, no extra fade env is created:


~out = { arg t_trig; EnvGen.kr(Env.asr, t_trig, doneAction:2) * PinkNoise.ar([1,1]) };


~out.group.set(\t_trig, 1); //end it

~out.send; //start a new synth

~out.group.set(\t_trig, 1); //end it again

// if there is a ugen that can free the synth, no extra fade env is created either,

// but it supposes the synth frees itself, so if a new function is assigned it does

// not get freed.


~out = {  arg t_trig;





~out.group.set(\t_trig, 1);

f) own output responsibility

// the arg name 'out' can be used to output through the right channel.

// of course with this one can get problems due to a wrong number of channels

// or deliberate hacks.

//left speaker


~out = { arg out;

OffsetOut.ar(out, Impulse.ar(10,0,0.1))



//both speakers


~out = { arg out;

OffsetOut.ar(out, Impulse.ar([10, 10],0,0.1))



//this plays out into another adjacent bus: this is a possible source of confusion. 


~out = { arg out;

OffsetOut.ar(out, Impulse.ar([10, 10, 10],0,0.1))

