History keeps a history of interpreted lines of code

Inherits from: Object

History keeps track of all code lines that are being executed, in order to forward them to other players, to easily reuse earlier versions, or to store and reproduce a performance. Since it records everything that is interpreted, there is only one privileged instance of History - History.current. 

(adc 2006/7)

*start / *end start/end adding interpreted code to (current) history

*clear remove all items from  (current) history

*enter(obj) add an entry by hand

*document post the history in a new document (as story)

*drop(n) drop the newest n lines from history. if n is negative, drop the oldest n lines

*keep(n) keep only the newest n lines from history. if n is negative, keep the oldest n lines

*saveCS(path, forward) 

store history as one compileString

*loadCS(path, forward) 

load a history from (compilestring) file.


store in a file, in historical order as individual code snippets


read history into current, from a file in story format

*play(start, end, verbose) 

play back current history from start to end line, per default verbose

*stop stop current history playback.

*rewrite(path, open)

Write a properly formatted code file from a history. 

The filename is the original name with  "_rewritten." appended.

If open is true (default: true), open a text window with the string.

// example use:

History.clear.end; // clear to start over

History.start; // starts recording, opens log file

// execute these lines one by one 

1 + 2;

p = ProxySpace.push(s.boot);

~a = {Dust.ar([1,1] * 30 ) * 0.3 }; //



History.end; // NOTE: change of interface! History.end ends logging now.

History.document; // create a document with all the changes

History.showLogFile; //

g = History.makeWin(0@20); // make a gui window, put it where you like

g = History.makeWin(0@20, 5); // lines to see in textview

History.play; // posts lines by default;

History.play(verbose: false); // just do it, no posting;

// continue recording


10 + 200; // enter 5 more lines


~b = { |freq=500| LFDNoise3.ar(freq.dup(2)) * 0.2 };


~b.set(\freq, 1000);



// save current history to a file. 


h = History.new.loadCS("~/Desktop/TestHist.scd");

h.lines.printcsAll; ""; 

// under the hood: History.someCommand goes to History.current:

// History.current is where new codelines always go.

h = History.current;

h.lines.printcsAll; "";

h.lineShorts.printcsAll; ""; // lineshorts are for gui display

History.enter("2 + 2"); // make a simple entry by hand.

h.lines.printcsAll; "";

// one can edit a history: 

History.drop(-1); // drop the oldest memory

History.drop(1); // drop the newest memory

h.keep(9); h.lines.printAll; "";

h.drop(3); h.lines.printAll; "";

h.removeLast; h.lines.printAll;"";

h.removeAt([3, 4]); h.lines.printAll;"";

// more examples


1 + 2; // code lines get stored

(nil + 2).postln; // error lines  are ignored  

// comment-only line is kept, empty lines not:

// save and load as text files

History.saveCS; // save as compilestring for reloading.

// save with name, in forward time order.

History.saveCS("~/Desktop/testHist.scd", forward: true);

// load back in from file

h = History.new.loadCS("~/Desktop/testHist.scd", forward: true);

h.lines.postcs; "";

// save as human-readable/hand-playable story 

History.saveStory // write all to time-stamped file in historical order

History.saveStory("~/Desktop/myTestStory.scd"); // ... with given filename. 

History.loadStory("~/Desktop/myTestStory.scd"); // load from story format file 

Document.open("~/Desktop/myTestStory.scd"); // the story file is human-readable.

// Various Internals

// make a new instance of History by hand:

h = History([[0, \me, "1+2"], [1.234, \me, "q = q ? ();"], [3, \me, "\"History\".speak"]]);

h.lines.printcsAll; "";

h.lineShorts.printcsAll; "";

h.play; // play it


// string formatting utils






/* removes line returns at start and end of code strings ... */


) // convert a line to a short string of n characters for gui display

History.shorten(h.lines.first.postcs, 60).postcs;

// in networked setups, one may turn off local recording and rely on remote recording:






// by default, history always logs here (and makes the folder if not there yet):




History.showLogFile;  // current logfile...

// todo: optionally, one should be able to turn logging off?

// filtering lines, to get subsets of all lines by key and/or searchstring: 

// get indices for specific keys

h = History([[0, \me, "a=1+2"], [1, \me, "3+5"], [1.234, \you, "q = q ? ();"], [3, \her, "\"Herstory ==== \".speak"]]);





h.matchKeys; // nil if no test

h.matchKeys(\all); // all keys match

h.matchKeys([\me, \her])

h.matchKeys(\isidor) // empty array if no line found




h.matchString("herStory", false); // ignoreCase is false by default

h.matchString("herStory", true); // ignoreCase 

h.indicesFor([\me, \her], "=");  // indices for line written by \me or \her AND containing "=";

// searching is only an interface/access feature, 

// so please read on at HistoryGui help ... 

