Pcauchy random values that follow a Cauchy Distribution
superclass: Pattern
Pcauchy(mean, spread, length)
mean The mean of the distribution (defaults to 0.0)
spread The horizontal dispersion of the random values. The distribution is unbounded.
length number of values produced (default: inf)
// example
var a, c, w;
a = Pcauchy(0.0, 1.0, inf);
c = a.asStream.nextN(500);
w = Window.new("Pcauchy", Rect(10, 10, 540, 800));
// plot the values
c.plot(bounds: Rect(10, 10, 520, 380), discrete: true, parent: w);
// a histogram of the values
c.histo(500).plot(bounds: Rect(10, 410, 520, 380), parent: w);
var a, c, w;
a = Pcauchy(0.0, 10.0, inf);
c = a.asStream.nextN(500);
w = Window.new("Pbetarand", Rect(10, 10, 540, 800));
// plot the values
c.plot(bounds: Rect(10, 10, 520, 380), discrete: true, parent: w);
// a histogram of the values
c.histo(500).plot(bounds: Rect(10, 410, 520, 380), parent: w);
// sound example
{ arg out=0, freq=440, sustain=0.05;
var env;
env = EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(0.01, sustain, 0.2), doneAction:2);
Out.ar(out, SinOsc.ar(freq, 0, env))
var a;
a = Pcauchy(0.0, 1.0,inf).asStream;
loop {
Synth(\help_sinegrain, [\freq, a.next * 600 + 300]);