Ptpar embed event streams in parallel, with time offset
superclass: ListPatterns
Embeds several event streams so that they form a single output stream with
all their events in temporal order, providing a global offset for each.
When one stream ends, the other streams are further embedded until all have ended.
Ptpar(list, repeats)
list: list of pairs of times and patterns: [time, pat, time, pat .. ]
repeats: repeat the whole pattern n times (default: 1)
see also Ppar
// see the delta values in the resulting events
var a, b, c, t;
a = Pbind(\x, Pseq([1, 2, 3, 4]), \dur, 1);
b = Pbind(\x, Pseq([10, 20, 30, 40]), \dur, 0.4);
c = Ptpar([0.0, a, 1.3, b]);
t = c.asStream;{; });
// sound example
var a, b;
a = Pbind(\note, Pseq([7, 4, 0], 4), \dur, Pseq([1, 0.5, 1.5], inf));
b = Pbind(\note, Pseq([5, 10, 12], 4), \dur, 1);
Ptpar([ 0.0, a, 1.3, b ]).play;