UnaryOpUGen apply a unary operation to the values of an input ugen
UnaryOpUGens are created as the result of a unary operator applied to a UGen.
As in the examples given here, you don't usually need to instantiate UnaryOpUGen youself.
Examples for unary operations on UGens are to be found in UGen's superclass AbstractFunction. They include: neg, abs, ceil, floor, frac, squared, cubed, sqrt, exp, log, log2, log10, sin, cos, scurve, distort
*new(selector, a) return a new instance that applies the operator (selector) to the ugen (a)
See also: BinaryOpUGen
Structurally related: UnaryOpFunction, Punop
a = WhiteNoise.ar; // a WhiteNoise
b = a.squared; // a UnaryOpUGen.
b.operator; // squared
// sound example
{ var a = LFSaw.ar(300).range(0, 2pi); a.sin * 0.1 }.play;
// Plotting the "abs" unary operator (via the server):
{ SinOsc.ar(300).abs }.plot