PV_CopyPhase copy magnitudes and phases

PV_CopyPhase(bufferA,  bufferB)

Combines magnitudes of first input and phases of the second input.

bufferA - fft buffer A.

bufferB - fft buffer B.

See also FFT Overview.



SynthDef("help-copyPhase", { arg out=0;

var inA, chainA, inB, chainB, chain;

inA = SinOsc.ar(SinOsc.kr(SinOsc.kr(0.08, 0, 6, 6.2).squared, 0, 100, 800));

inB = WhiteNoise.ar(0.2);

chainA = FFT(LocalBuf(2048), inA);

chainB = FFT(LocalBuf(2048), inB);

chain = PV_CopyPhase(chainA, chainB); 

Out.ar(out, 0.5 * IFFT(chain).dup);

}).play(s,[\out, 0]);


d = Buffer.read(s,"sounds/a11wlk01.wav");


SynthDef("help-copyPhase2", { arg out=0, soundBufnum=2;

var inA, chainA, inB, chainB, chain;

inA = PlayBuf.ar(1, soundBufnum, BufRateScale.kr(soundBufnum), loop: 1);

inB =  SinOsc.ar(SinOsc.kr(SinOsc.kr(0.08, 0, 6, 6.2).squared, 0, 100, 800));

chainA = FFT(LocalBuf(2048), inA);

chainB = FFT(LocalBuf(2048), inB);

chain = PV_CopyPhase(chainA, chainB); 

Out.ar(out,  0.5 * IFFT(chain).dup);

}).play(s,[\out, 0, \soundBufnum, d]);

