TIRand triggered integer random number generator

TIRand.kr(lo, hi, trig)

TIRand.ar(lo, hi, trig)

Generates a random integer value in uniform distribution from lo to hi 

each time the trig signal changes from nonpositive to positive values


SynthDef("help-TRand", { 

var trig, outBus;

trig = Dust.kr(10);

outBus = TIRand.kr(0, 1, trig); //play on random channel between 0 and 1

Out.ar(outBus, PinkNoise.ar(0.2))





var trig = Dust.kr(10);


TIRand.kr(4, 12, trig) * 100

) * 0.1





var trig = Dust.ar(MouseX.kr(1, 8000, 1));


TIRand.ar(4, 12, trig) * 100

) * 0.1

