EZLists an abstract superclass for EZListView and EZPopUpMenu
Users will not normally directly create instances of EZLists, but only use it through its subclasses. It provides the basic mechanisms for EZListView and EZPopUpMenu.
See also: EZListView and EZPopUpMenu
Creation / Class Methods
*new (parentView, bounds, label, items, globalAction, initVal, initAction, labelWidth, layout, gap)
Building and Changing the List
a Global function to be performed in addition to the item functions: {arg listObj; value}.
items_ (assocArray)
assocArray - An Array of Associations including the labels and the item functions: ['label' -> {arg listObj; value}, ]. In menus, the OS X graphics system gives special meanings to some characters. See SCPopUpMenu; Or and Array Symbols (if you are only using globalAction). Arrays of Symbols will get converted into and array of Associations with and empty Function:['label' -> {}, ].
Returns the item label of the current selection.
Returns the item function of the current selection
addItem (name, action)
Adds an item.
name - An instance of String or Symbol. The name of the list/menu item.
action - An instanc of Function.
insertItem (index, name, action)
Inserts a list/menu item at positiion of index.
index - An integer. The index where to insert an item.
name - An instance of String or Symbol. The name of the list/menu item.
action - A n instanc of Function.
replaceItemAt (index, name, action)
Replace a list/menu item at positiion of index.
index - An integer. The index where to insert an item.
name - An instance of String or Symbol. The name of the list/menu item. Default is the current item label.
action - A n instanc of Function. Default is the current item action-
removeItemAt (index)
Removes a list/menu item at positiion of index.
index - An integer. The index where to remove an item.
removes both the view, label and the list/menu from the parent view.
Accessing Values
value_ (val)
Gets/sets the list/menu to the index at value. Does not perform the action.
val - An integer.
valueAction_ (val)
Sets the value and performs the action at the index value and the global action.
val - An integer.
Performs the action at the current index and the global action.
Called by init and overriden by all subclasses. This is where the class specific views are built.