EZLists an abstract superclass for EZListView and EZPopUpMenu

Inherits from: Object : EZGui

Users will not normally directly create instances of EZLists, but only use it through its subclasses. It provides the basic mechanisms for EZListView and EZPopUpMenu.

See also: EZListView and EZPopUpMenu

Creation / Class Methods

*new (parentView, bounds, label, items, globalAction, initVal, initAction, labelWidth, layout, gap)

Building and Changing the List



a Global function to be performed in addition to the item functions: {arg listObj; value}.


items_ (assocArray)

assocArray - An Array of Associations including the labels and the item functions: ['label' -> {arg listObj; value}, ]. In menus, the OS X graphics system gives special meanings to some characters. See SCPopUpMenu; Or and Array Symbols (if you are only using globalAction). Arrays of Symbols will get converted into and array of Associations with and empty Function:['label' -> {}, ].


Returns the item label of the current selection.


Returns the item function of the current selection

addItem (name, action)

Adds an item.

name - An instance of String or Symbol. The name of the list/menu item.

action - An instanc of Function.

insertItem (index, name, action)

Inserts a list/menu item at positiion of index.

index - An integer. The index where to insert an item.

name - An instance of String or Symbol. The name of the list/menu item.

action - A n instanc of Function.

replaceItemAt (index, name, action)

Replace a list/menu item at positiion of index. 

index - An integer. The index where to insert an item.

name - An instance of String or Symbol. The name of the list/menu item. Default is the current item label.

action - A n instanc of Function. Default is the current item action-

removeItemAt (index)

Removes a list/menu item at positiion of index.

index - An integer. The index where to remove an item.


removes both the view, label and the list/menu from the parent view.

Accessing Values


value_ (val)

Gets/sets the list/menu to the index at value. Does not perform the action.

val - An integer.

valueAction_ (val)

Sets the value and performs the action at the index value and the global action.

val - An integer.


Performs the action at the current index and the global action.


Called by init and overriden by all subclasses. This is where the class specific views are built.