LibraryBase global storage base class
Inherits from: Object : Collection : MultiLevelIdentityDictionary
Base class for Library and Archive
There is only one global instance:, or, which is initialized automatically in the subclasses.
Class Methods
subclass responsibility
clear the dictionary
*at(key1, key2, ...)
access the dictionary at a path with keys. The keys may be any object, but are usually Symbols
*put(key1, key2, ... obj)
store an object in the dictionary at a path, given as a list of keys and the object to be stored as last argument. The keys may be any object, but are usually Symbols.
access the dictionary at a path, given as a list of keys. The keys may be any object, but are usually Symbols.
store an object in the dictionary at a path, given as a list of keys and the object to be stored as last argument. The keys may be any object, but are usually Symbols.
// an example from the subclass Library:
Library.put(\multi, \level, \addressing, \system, "i'm the thing you are putting in here");\multi, \level, \addressing, \system).postln;
Library.atList([\multi, \level, \addressing, \system]).postln;